Chris Rayner

Hi, i'm Chris. I'm an Engineer for both work and play. I really just love making things! I don’t know about you, but I have a catalogue of unfinished projects littering my personal repository. It’s so easy to start projects but so very difficult to finish them. So I recently decided to pull this space together to share things i'm working on. Enjoy!

[My project names tend to come from things i'm reading at the time, if you are interested, check out my bookshelf here for some recommendations! ]


[Update!] This blog-style site was made to get things up and out quickly. It's fairly bare bones and has always been a lower priority than the projects themselves. However, work is underway on a new React/ThreeJS portfolio site! It's a little while off and likely behind Angier but work has started. (And yes, to you out there. You know who you are. It will be HTTPS)