Project Name: Kira of The Mortal Techniques Series

This project is a little different from the others. It was a training project that I developed to help train some of my junior engineers.

This is an example project where the key thing was building out a slick, professional UI with as little additional packages as possible. With NPM it is far too easy to rely on third party packages and I always encourage growing a core understanding of the fundamentals and keeping projects lean. This is pure React, HTML & CSS (I also utilised a Carousel package, because i'm not a monster!) with a focus on good architectural practices and component reuse. I have utilised this project for workshops several times now, often using it as a base to extend from or pulling out code and tasking the group to rebuild. It's a friendly way to get people on board and upskill their problem solving.

I feel that app clones are a great way to learn, building to a design with focus on the attention to detail. I am not a designer, and don't have a personal UX engineer on hand, so building something from scratch myself is not going to have the same visual impact and i'm unlikely to come up with great visual elements that will challenge my engineering understanding. Many great designers put in time to create the original, we can leverage that and "stand on their shoulders" for our own development.

Given the nature of this work. I’ve made this available for all to download, play & learn. Available here

The Result: